Conference – Rural Council for Local Development, community oriented, Municipality of Korça
On Saturday, February 2nd 2019, the Conference of the Rural Council for Local Economic Development was organized in the conference room of Hotel “Koçibelli” in Korca.
The participants were introduced with the main objectives of the Project “Rural Korce” and the structure, functions and objectives of the Rural Council. This Council will organize meetings with the rural civil society, farmers, agro-businesses and representatives from municipalities of Korca and Devoll, pointing out the critical aspects of rural areas, discussing different problems and identifying the priorities for a sustainable and inclusive rural development. Strategies for local development will the essential aspect for the upcoming period. Preparation of development projects and attraction of national / international funds is one of the main objectives of this structure.
The further formalization of the Council will be made by selecting the sub-groups which will be organized based on such interests such as gender, support for small farmers, environment, life quality in rural areas, etc. Creation of such network, with high participation of women and young people, aims to implement concrete actions for local empowerment, promotion identity of the rural society and a better management of the rural development.
Participants in the meeting became familiar with the Italian experience in “LEADER” programme and the organization and working of Local Action Groups mainly in Umbria Region in Italy.They expressed their interest and were willing to get actively involved in a better management of rural development.
We thank all the participants and the staff of the Municipality of Korca for their support!